All done!

How nice it is to see the Singer 422G properly clean, without those brown stains all over.

Looking great now.
Looking great now.

A sharp eye will notice one tiny piece still missing. A piece of a blue Q-tip sits where a screw and a thread guide should be over the needle clamp. I found that this screw serves a more important purpose than just holding the thread guide in place. It is also there to help position the needle properly. A replacement part is on its way from eBay.

One of the final repairs I did was to remove old pieces of thread from the mechanism behind the face plate. Of course, it was stuck in the innermost, least accessible joint. Using tweezers and patience, I managed to unwrap and remove all of the thread. I’m glad I didn’t have to take the mechanism apart.

After: I don't know which of these adjustments did the trick, but now the machine zig zags quite beautifully!
Nice stitches, to prove the machine is not only clean, but also working great. Oiled, greased, adjusted. Ready for anything. What shall I sew now?

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